Sample interview questions: How do you approach repurposing and optimizing existing content for different platforms?
Sample answer:
When it comes to repurposing and optimizing existing content for different platforms, as a Content Marketing Manager, my approach is strategic and goal-oriented. I follow a systematic process to ensure that the content is effectively repurposed and optimized for each specific platform, ultimately maximizing its reach and impact. Here’s how I approach this task:
Content Audit: I begin by conducting a comprehensive content audit, where I assess all the existing content assets available. This includes blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, whitepapers, and any other relevant content. This helps me understand the scope of content available for repurposing and identify the most suitable pieces for different platforms.
Define Objectives: Once I have a clear understanding of the available content, I define the objectives for repurposing and optimizing it for different platforms. These objectives may vary based on the target platform, the target audience, and the desired outcome. For instance, if the goal is to increase brand awareness on social media, the content repurposing strategy will be different from improving organic search traffic through SEO optimization.
Audience Analysis: Understanding the target audience is crucial for effective content repurposing. I conduct thorough audience analysis for each platform to gain insights into their preferences, behaviors, and expectations. This helps me tailor the repurposed content to resonate with the specific audience on each platform.
Content Repurposing: Based on the content audit and defined objectives, I repurpose the existing content to align with the requirements and format of each platform. For example, I may convert a lengthy blog post into a visually appealing infographic for social media or transform a series of articles into an e-book for lead generation. I ens… Read full answer