Sample interview questions: Have you developed any policies or procedures to streamline treasury operations?
Sample answer:
Developed Policies and Procedures to Streamline Treasury Operations:
Cash Flow Forecasting and Management:
- Implemented a centralized cash flow forecasting model to enhance visibility and accuracy of cash positions.
- Established automated cash flow management rules to trigger timely investments and borrowing.
Liquidity Management:
- Developed a comprehensive liquidity policy to ensure sufficient funds are available to meet obligations.
- Optimized bank account structure and implemented concentration mechanisms to improve cash utilization.
Investment Management:
- Formulated an investment policy to define risk appetite and investment objectives.
- Negotiated competitive rates and structures with investment counterparties.
Debt Financing:
- Conducted thorough debt suitability analysis to identify optimal financing options.
- Negotiated and managed debt instruments, including loans, bonds, and derivatives.
Risk Management:
- Established a robust risk management framework to mitigate financial risks.
- Implemented hedging strategies to protect agains… Read full answer